For Dentist's Eyes Only!
We Can Help You!
Many of your patients and their families will thank you for presenting this plan to them.
No Dental insurance? No problem.
Meet AffDent®
Affordable dental coverage for you and your family
AFFDENT® Benefits
-Stop losing patients to the local dental school.
-Keep your hygiene schedule full.
-Refer fee for service patients.
-Patient loyalty. You become "their dentist".
-Use AffDent® to promote your on-staff specialist
Here are 12 Reasons Why You Would Want the Affdent Private Dental Plan in Your Office:
- Affdent allows you to keep these dental patients in your office and prevents losing them to the local dental school, to the corporate dental owned clinic down the street or have them bouncing around from one dental office to the other.
- Affdent keeps your hygiene recall program full and profitable.
- Affdent patients refer fee-for service patients.
- Affdent maintains patient loyalty. You are still their dentist. They are out of the local dentist "marketing pool" when competing dentists market for new patients on the internet or through direct mail.
- Affdent keeps your retired patients in your practice. When patients retire from their employment, many retain their medical benefits but lose their dental benefits in their retirement packages.
- Affdent monthly membership fees are many times much cheaper than other plans offered by your patient's employers.
- Affdent patients will be able to receive immediate dental services and not put them off due to lack of financial means. Small dental problems won't escalate into serious and more costly dental problems.
- Affdent allows patients to receive dental services at a reduced fee until their out-of-pocket portion reaches a yearly maximum of $1,250.
- Affdent will be managed by our trained professionals. Each month we will do all the ACH bank withdrawals from your patient's checking accounts and deposit the monthly totals into your business operating account less a $5 administrating fee per each Affdent membership plan.
- Affdent will allow you to receive a constant monthly cash flow from your Affdent patient membership fees. The goal is to get these patients caught up with their basic dental needs and then get them into your hygiene recall system.
- Affdent patients are committed to a one-year membership agreement and it is automatically renewed each year.
- Affdent can be used to promote your on-staff specialist: orthodontist, prosthodontist, periodontist, endodontist or oral surgeon.
- Need Assistance?
Get In Touch
Affdent Doctors are Able to Help Those Patients With Limited Budgets, Provide Basic Dental Services for Them and at the Same Time Make a Profit.
Affdent dental plans allows patients to pay a monthly membership fee for courtesy discounts on their basic dental needs. These dental benefits provide coverage allowing patients to budget out their dental needs at an affordable monthly expense.
Your front office administrators will present the Affdent Plan directly to your patients. There is no need to contact a third party company for information or to discuss any treatment plans outside your dental practice. All treatment plans and agreements are strictly between you and your patients.
You can also have dental specialists you refer to become Affdent providers and they can provide a modest discount for services rendered to Affdent patients.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Affdent Dental Plans
Your Affdent patients dental decisions will always be between you and them without interference from any third party involvement. Remember, Affdent is not a dental insurance plan. It is an agreement between you and your patients that you will provide discounted basic dental services for a monthly membership fee. Affdent is for patients with no dental insurance or dental benefits. If a patient has dental insurance benefits, then they are not eligible to be signed up with an Affdent Dental Plan.
Affdent dental plans have been designed for your patients and their families to receive quality dental care from you and your hygienists and to have their basic dental service expenses spread out over a year.
Your dental decisions about your dental care should be between you and your dentist without the interference of a third party involvement.
Affdent® dental plans have been designed to allow you and your family to receive quality dental care from your own dentist and hygienist.
Your Affdent patients will receive a 100% discount for all consultations, exams, basic x-rays including panoramic x-rays, sealants, child fluoride treatments and two basic adult or child prophylaxis cleanings per year. There are no out-of-pocket expenses for Type I Dental Services. Their monthly membership fees will pay all or most of these services over a one year time period.
Affdent patients will receive a 50% discount off the doctor's private fee-for-service schedule. These services include: composite or amalgam restorations, simple tooth extractions, scaling and root planing, adult fluorides, basic root canal therapy, placing post and crown build-ups, crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, traditional dentures, partials and any type of transitional partial dentures, (flippers). The 50% out-of-pocket portion is due the day of service and is applied towards the Affdent patient's yearly maximum of $1,250 per year. If the treatment plan exceeds the yearly maximum out-of-pocket of $1,250, then the Affdent patient is required to pay full office fee of any Type II Dental Services rendered up and over the $1,250 yearly maximum.
Any dental services not mentioned in the Type I or Type II Dental Services, will be charged full office fee. For example: Porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, traditional orthodontics, Invisalign or any type of aligner orthodontic therapy, night guards, TMJ therapy, dental implants, implant precision attachments, implant retained crowns, implant retained dentures, complex endodontic therapy, 3-D Cone Beam Radiographs, surgical extractions, gingivectomies, gingivalplasties, crown
lengthening surgery, etc.
Singles Plan
Couples Plan
Family of Four Plan